We explain how to calculate the Plusvalia Municipal in Benitachell step by step and we offer you a calculator so that you can do the calculation automatically.

When we want to sell a property, it is important that we bear in mind the costs involved in the operation from the very beginning. This is especially relevant if our idea is to sell in order to buy a new property, as this information will help us to know the real amount of money we will have available to purchase our new property.

One of these expenses that comes into play is the Plusvalia Municipal, a tax levied by the local councils on the increase in value of urban land during the time we have owned the property.

In this article we will focus on the Plusvalia Municipal de Benitachell to tell you how much you will have to pay for this tax and the new regulatory modifications that directly affect this tax.

Calculate the Municipal Capital Gains Tax in Benitachell

Below we will detail the two methods currently available for calculating the Plusvalia Municipal in Benitachell.

However, you can also do this calculation automatically using the Municipal Capital Gains Calculator in Benitachell, a calculator with which you can automatically find out what you will have to pay for this tax depending on the calculation method chosen: Objective Method or Actual Capital Gains.

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Municipal Capital Gains Tax for Benitachell

Access the calculator and automatically estimate what you will have to pay for the Capital Gains Tax on your property

New regulations governing capital gains tax

After the Constitutional Court declared unconstitutional and null the part of the Texto Refundido de la Ley de Haciendas Locales in charge of regulating the calculation of the Plusvalia Municipal, the Council of Ministers approved the Royal Decree-Law 26/2021, of 8 November, introducing two different systems for the calculation of this tax. Taxpayers may choose the most beneficial of the two.

Capital gains tax in Benitachell: Objective Method

The first of these is the Objective Method, a system which takes into account the years elapsed between the acquisition of the property and its subsequent sale, inheritance or donation.

1º Calculate the Taxable Base

The first thing to do to calculate the Plusvalia Municipal in Benitachell using the Objective Method is to apply the multiplication coefficient stipulated for the number of years we have been in possession of the property to the cadastral value of the land.

Generation period Applicable coefficient
Less than 1 year 0,15
1 year 0,15
2 years 0,14
3 years 0,14
4 years 0,16
5 years 0,18
6 years 0,19
7 years 0,20
8 years 0,19
9 years 0,15
10 years 0,12
11 years 0,10
12 years 0,09
13 years 0,09
14 years 0,09
15 years 0,09
16 years 0,10
17 years 0,13
18 years 0,17
19 years 0,23
Equal to or more than 20 years 0,40

The multiplication coefficients vary each year on the basis of the maximum amounts defined for these values in the General State Budget. The table shows the multiplication coefficients in force for transactions carried out between 1 January and 31 December 2024.

2º Apply the tax rate

After applying the multiplication coefficient, we will have to apply the tax rate established, in this case, by Benitachell Town Council, i.e. 23%, to the resulting taxable base.

Example of Capital Gains Tax in Benitachell using the Objective Method

To complete our understanding of how to calculate the Plusvalia Municipal in Benitachell using the objective method, let us look at an example.

Let us imagine that we have bought a house 8 years ago and the cadastral value of the land is 80.000 euros. According to the table of the Benitachell Town Hall, the multiplication coefficient to be applied for that period of time is 0,19. This means that to calculate the Taxable Base we will have to multiply the 80.000 euros of the value of the land by the 0,19 that marks the multiplication coefficient, giving as a result 15.200 euros.

Subsequently, we will have to apply the Tax Rate to the Taxable Base. In other words, we will have to apply the 23% tax rate set by Benitachell Town Hall to the 8,000 euros taxable base, giving a tax liability of 3,496 euros.

Capital Gains Tax in Benitachell: Real Capital Gains Tax

The second method of calculating the Plusvalia Municipal in Benitachell is the Plusvalia Real, a system which takes into account the real capital gain obtained from our property transaction. To find out what you will have to pay if you opt for this method, follow the steps below.

1º Calculate the Capital Gain

First we begin by calculating the capital gain on which this system is based. To do this, we subtract the value for which we are selling, donating or inheriting our property from the value for which we acquired the property in its day.

2º Calculate the Taxable Base

Next we multiply the Capital Gain obtained in the previous point by the percentage that the cadastral value of the land represents of the total cadastral value of the property. This will give us as a result the Taxable Base of the tax. The Cadastral value is a value that we can find in our last IBI receipt.

3º Apply the Tax Rate

Finally, all that remains is to apply the tax rate established by Benitachell Town Council to the taxable base resulting from the previous step. The tax rate to be applied to the Benitachell Municipal Capital Gains Tax is 23%.

Example of capital gains tax in Benitachell with real capital gains tax

To better understand this other method of calculation, we will use the details of the sale and purchase used in the previous example to calculate what we would have to pay if we opted for the Plusvalia Real method.

Let's imagine that the house we bought 8 years ago for 100,000 euros and a cadastral value of 80,000 euros, we are going to sell it for 120,000 euros. In this case, the Real Capital Gain of our sale would be 20,000 euros.

If we take into account that the percentage that the cadastral value of the land represents in our sale is 60%, to continue with our example we will have to multiply the 20,000 euros of the Capital Gain obtained by this 60%. This will give us a Taxable Base of 12.000 euros.

Finally, we would have to apply to the Taxable Base obtained in the previous step, the Tax Rate established by the Benitachell Town Hall, i.e. 12.000 euros times 23%. This would give us a final tax rate of 2.760 euros.

Conclusions on Capital Gains

As you will have been able to see, in the specific example analysed in this post, it would be in the taxpayer's interest to pay the Plusvalia Municipal of his property in Benitachell using the Plusvalia Real method, as this would be the cheaper of the two systems. However, this does not always have to be the case. Everything will depend on the capital gain obtained and the number of years between the acquisition and the transfer.

In our blog you can also find other articles on this subject in which we explain, for example, how to calculate the Plusvalia in Teulada-Moraira.

*If you prefer to do the calculation automatically, we remind you that you have at your disposal the Benitachell Municipal Capital Gains Calculator, a tool with which you can calculate what you will have to pay for this tax instantly.

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